Below is a list of nations found within the continent of Australia.
Nations and Towns[]
- Canberra
- Australia
- Albury
- Campbelltown
- The_Dust
- Sydney
- Fish_Town
- Armidale
- Newcastle
- woodside
- Cape_York
- Cape-Melville
- Starcke
- Diamantina
- Simpson
- Gascoyne
- Coral_Bay
- Moreton_Bay.
- Zetta
- New_Holland
- FortEmu
- New_South_Wales
- Cooma
- Kimberley
- Darwin
- Oceania (unification between Oz and SouthAustralia)
- MFG_Spawn
- SaintSiege
- Brisbane
- Faromix
- Esperance
- Fatality
- Fort_Azertrix
- Fort_Celeste
- Fort_Fire
- Imperia_III
- FuzeCity
- Fortown
- Imperatoris
- Orana
- Dubbo
- Outback
- Uluru-Kata_Tjuta
- Areyonga
- Denham
- Kalgoorlie
- Canary
- Oz
- Suzaku
- Resistance
- Duchy_Bar_Verdun
- Port-Phoenix
- Clintiswood
- Slayers
- DucFam_City
- Perth
- Perth
- Pilbara
- Port_Hedland
- Rule2.5
- Solitude
- SouthAustralia (Before Victoria)
- Fort_Imperial
- Fire_City
- Kora_City
- Straya
- Oasis
- Tasmania
- New_Rzeszow
- New_Krakow
- Imamstadt
- Sunger
- TerraAustralis
- PortMacquarie
- Victoria
- Koala_city
- Greenman_Yt : Chief of ACT
- Shellblu : Chief of Australia
- AzySiri : Chief of Cape_York
- 3232006 : Chief of Diamantina
- Emperorcqrp : Chief of Gascoyne
- fifou_94 : Chief of Moreton_Bay
- RebornStratos : Chief of New_Holland
- MikeDerpy : Chief of New_South_Wales
- ondrag1 : Chief of NorthTerritory
- PasobossMFG : Chief of Oceania
- SinsNotTragedies : Chief of Orana
- B_Brothers : Chief of Outback
- weekmemes : Long time member of Outback
- Chococlater : Chief of Oz
- Cluck_San : Chief of Perth
- 69HD : Chief of Pilbara
- DarkReactor : Chief of Rule2.5
- DeltaDrunki : Chief of SouthAustralia
- Netheright : Chief of Straya
- RaddiPL : Chief of Tasmania
- Filthyrichhobo : Chief of TerraAustralis
- Dragquest01 : Chief of Victoria
- Poms24 : Ancient Chief of Oz
- Dizy : Ancient Chief of Australia
- Jeanlepasroux : Ancient Chief of SouthAustralia
- DeltaScorpior : Ancient Chief of SouthAustralia
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