His Majesty Father of the Fatherland Saint Elgik I the Great (also known as Elgik Francon Blackcrow von Yusupov-Rodzaevsky; Elgik the Great; Elg1k) is the Emperor of the Russian Empire (12/03/2022 — 09/05/2022; 31/12/2020 — 03/03/2021). He previously was the first Prime Minister of Russia and the first Secretary General of the World Organization Of Russian. He served as the Russian Tsar from June 30 to July 2, 2020. Head of the house of Yusupov-Rodzaevsky. Beatified by the Roman Catholic Church on February 27, 2023. The patron saint of Russia, Russian-speaking and Orthodox players in Christianity.
The period of Prime Minister Elgik's leadership is considered one of the best in the history of Russia. In a few weeks, he managed to create a new management system from scratch, modernize the army, economy and culture. Elgik paid particular attention to Russia's international prestige. Elgik's influence has been recognized by many countries around the world, from the East to the West.
Elgik is accused of unleashing the Russian-Japanese and Finnish wars, which led to crises in Russia. Despite this, the period of Elgik's tenure as prime minister attracted rapid economic and social growth in Russia, thanks to which it emerged from years of diplomatic isolation. Elgik made a great contribution to the development of Russian diplomacy: he created the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, carried out several personal negotiations with the heads of state and was at the origins of the creation of the Russian Federation.
The second period of Elgik's imperatorship fell on a severe crisis after the ban of PycckueBnepeg and the war with True Russia. Under his leadership, Russia not only regained control of all the territories that it lost after the PycckueBnepeg ban, but also expanded significantly in Europe due to the accession of the countries of Scandinavia and Iceland and in Asia due to the development of Korea. Elgik not only brought Russia to the /n list 1, but also made it the largest nation by population and the largest meganation in the world. The territories of Russia under Elgik stretched from Iceland to Chukotka, Alaska and the western coast of North America were also under the influence of Russia for some time, in addition, Russia controlled territories from the Arctic to Pakistan, there was talk of India and the countries of Arabia becoming part of Russia. Elgik brought the Russian economy to a new serious level, with him the first fully mechanical potion factory in Russia was opened, he also financed the development of science and technology, established a list of objects of historical and cultural significance, financed the restoration of important objects. By the end of Elgik's reign, Russia had become one of the most influential meganations in the world, it influenced almost all political events taking place in Eurasia and Africa. On May 9, 2022, Elgik abdicated in favor of his son ggmaster_. According to the decision of the highest authorities, he was awarded the title of Father of the Fatherland.
Elgik is considered one of the greatest Russian players who have ever played on the server. He is actually the author of the statehood of Russia, since the entire system of government, which has worked for almost the entire existence of Russia, was invented by him. He also founded the Russian army and was the first to divide it into various units and structures. According to his idea, the first subsidies and financing appeared, the government, the parliament, the capital gained legal status. Elgik also created the first national autonomy within Russia - the Turkish one. He did a lot to attract the Church to Russia and brought it out of years of diplomatic isolation.
By the end of 2022, historians and political scientists gave a name to the period and values of the rule of Elgik and his associates - Elgikism. Many public and political figures characterize the period of Elgik's rule as dictatorial, characterized by persecution of opponents of his regime, support for dictatorial regimes in other countries and pro-Russian power grabs in other countries.
Elgik joined the game for the first time in 2018. At that time, he rarely played on server, mainly engaged in construction in single-player mode. He appeared just East of Africa and decided to settle in Siberia. To do this, he went all over Africa, visited the countries of the Caspian sea and through the path that still exists, reached a small abandoned Siberian city. He was accompanied by his friend.
At this point, Elgik renovated one of the houses and began actively exploring the area. It turned out that there was a Mongol city not far from his house. Elgik repeatedly raided it, but it turned out that the city had long been abandoned, and a few days later it was completely destroyed and looted.
After some time, Elgik accumulated gold and started his own city - Petropavlovsk, naming it after the Saints Peter and Paul. The city was a small village on the island where three players lived. There was a vegetable garden, a warehouse and a prison. Over time, Elgik decided to expand the city. To do this, he began to demolish the island and engaged in changing the landscape. However, Petropavlovsk was receiving daily attacks by an unknown player who kept killing players and robbing the garden. In the end, the first account belonging to Elgik was hacked and the player stopped accessing the server. Over time, Petropavlovsk fell and other unknown players settled in its place 6 months later.
However, after purchasing a new account in the winter of 2019, Elgik settled in one of the cities of the nation of Siberia. There he played as the role of a builder and historian. He also built a small Orthodox Church. It is worth noting that Elgik, due to his good knowledge of German, often played the role of interpreter in various negotiations with German-speaking players.
However, the city where Elgik lived was ruined, which is why Elgik decided to devote his game to travel. Given that there were no moving commands (/n spawn) at that time, traveling was a dangerous and difficult task. During the month of travel, Elgik visited Africa, North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. He repeatedly established contacts with Indian players, and also willingly engaged in trade. As a result, he settled in Kamchatka, but he lost interest in the game, which was why he left it.
He returned in December 2019. Without much activity, Elgik reached Europe and was hacked again.

Together with friends, Elgik decided to return to the server in March 2020. He purchased an account and settled on the Bank of the Rybinsk reservoir. His friend created the city of Volzhsk there. For himself, he built a large house there, actively cut trees and engaged in landscaping. However, the mayor of the city made friends with Arkhangelsk, which was located nearby. The archangels decided to create their own nation and invited Volzhsk. The mayor, without even discussing joining the nation with the residents of the city, gave almost all the gold to the archangels. This alarmed Elgik, which caused Him to rebel. After that, the residents decided to leave the mayor alone and left Volzhsk, taking most of the resources extracted by them.
The road led Elgik to a large abandoned fortress on the shore of lake Onega. Realizing that it would be difficult to build a city from scratch, Elgik created a city in this fortress, starting a major renovation. Pavlodar, as he called it, quickly turned from a ruined castle into a large and beautiful city: flowerbeds appeared, the Pavlodar Kremlin was completed, a warehouse was built, and private rooms were repaired. The forests that once surrounded the city have become huge construction sites: Elgik built the embankment, started creating the river, and built the headquarters of the world organization of Russians.
On April 12, Elgik created a small Russian server community. Over time, the community has grown and today it is called the world organization of Russians. It includes about forty players from all over the world. Headquarters are located on all continents of the planet.
Over time, when the city became quite large and influential, attention to it increased. Toporkov, who wanted to unite all the cities of European Russia, invited Pavlodar to his nation, but the city refused. Then he began to put pressure on him, which almost started a war. After some time, the city still became part of Tsarist Russia, but later withdrew from the structure. Elgik created his own nation, where he became President. Pomorie joined the two cities of Pavlodar and Ladoga.

However, Elgik was invited by the residents of Russia to the post of Prime Minister. Because of this, Pomorie became part of Russia, and Elgik left Pavlodar, settling in Petrograd. As Prime Minister of Russia, Elgik carried out massive reforms of the army, created the police, established the national Bank and budget, divided the country into regions, approving weekly funding. Russian cities began to develop rapidly, and mass construction began. From the very beginning after the election, Elgik developed a strategy for the socio-economic development of Russia. At the moment, the program led to the creation of the full structure of the Russian government, the establishment of a national Bank, creation of the police and reform of the army.
Elgik was one of the opponents of any merger with Tsarist Russia. Because of this, he is often blamed for straining relations with Tsarist Russia.

After blocking BurntArrowMC on the server, to perform the duties of the king became Elgik. He was appointed to the position of temporary acting by the decision of the king. Given the fact that the war between Japan and the Kuril Islands had been going on in the East for a long time, Elgik decided to declare war on Japan. It did not take into account the unpreparedness of the Russian army, as well as the difficult accessibility of the Japanese region for Russian soldiers. These factors played a role in Russia's defeat and Elgik's downgrade. On July 2, Elgik was removed from the post of acting Tsar.
On July 15, the first parliamentary elections were held, in which the majority of seats in the Assembly (69%) was won by the party led by Elgik. Of course, this meant a full majority in Parliament. Thus, Ekgik consolidated his influence over all the territories of Russia and became the most influential person in the country. It is worth noting that Elgik's influence has never been disputed by anyone, and even the highest Russian officials admit it.
After the resignation of BurntArrowMC, Elgik tried to seize the Royal throne, but failed to do so and was forced to remain as Prime Minister of Russia. This did not prevent him from carrying out a number of major reforms.
Many times Elgik was given the opportunity to address the people: It was he who reported on the wars with Japan, Tsarist Russia and Belarus.
On September 20, Elgik resigned as Prime Minister of Russia. This was completely unexpected: his popularity began to gain momentum again, and his influence remained as limitless. He made the most important decisions and knew all the Russian mayors by sight. However, the reason for the resignation was quite different - the real state of Elgik's health and the lack of time for the activities of the Russian Prime Minister.

For some time he was inactive, but at the end of October 2020, Elgik returned and took an active part in the leadership of the Russian army during the Northern War.

After the unification of Russia and Tsarist Russia into the Russian Empire, he finally returned to the server and was elected Prime Minister of the Russian Empire. As Prime Minister, Elgik carried out large-scale reforms of the economy and public administration, combining them under one model, because before the creation of the Russian Empire, there were different systems of public administration in the countries, the structure of the army. The Elgik reforms were implemented in Russia by local self-government bodies (governors, local dumas), control positions (counts), executive power (Cabinet of Ministers) and legislative power (Senate). As a result of the vote, the reforms were supported, but most of them were not implemented in the end, despite the active policy of Elgik. As a result, the reforms were partially implemented: the country was divided into provinces, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Senate were introduced, which worked until the crisis of the spring of 2021.
In his post, Elgik repeatedly faced a revolutionary movement, which he managed to suppress. The first revolution took place in the autumn of 2020, but the largest revolution occurred in late January - early February 2021, when the Arkhangelsk communist rebels announced for the third time that they did not recognize the current government and seceded from the Russian Empire. As a result of several days of revolution and three full-scale clashes, the civil war ended with a peace agreement. In addition, Elgik is often accused of political persecution and repression. Ssazyy, Ervest, Savernik and some other opposition figures suffered from his actions at the time. However, Elgik believes that his actions were justified, since it was necessary to protect the current constitutional system.
On December 31, 2020, Limkid abdicated. Elgik became the Emperor of Russia.

Elgik ascended to the throne without a coronation, because, in his opinion, Russia was in economic decline and a coronation would have been very expensive.
First, Elgik moved the capital of the Russian Empire to Moscow. This decision was explained by the more favorable economic position of the new capital, in contrast to St. Petersburg, which was much further north. Elgik planned to completely rebuild Moscow, so he demolished the unfinished Kremlin and the Senate Palace, but the internal problems of the country did not leave him time to build new buildings in Moscow, which left the capital empty for many years.
Secondly, Elgik began to massively support the mayors of cities with gold and resources. He paid special attention to the autonomy of the Turks near Moscow, whom he actively financed, considering it necessary to support national minorities in Russia. There, in Kazan, the regiment of His Majesty the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was formed.
During the reign of Elgik, there has been a tightening of the regime in the Russian Empire, the Russian opposition practically ceases to exist, the state is fighting dissent and any anti-government sentiment. In addition, Elgik began to get rid of possible political opponents. Ssazyy, who served as Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, was one of the first to suffer. Elgik became disillusioned with ssazyy, as he began to behave arrogantly towards others and tried to sell Karelia. Because of this, Elgik expelled ssazyy from Russia and he was forced to leave the country and the Russian region. In addition, during this period, Ervest, who was a prominent military commander at that time, was also forced to emigrate from the country. During one of the attempts of the revolution, Ervest took the third position and after the victory of Elgik in the Civil War, was forced to live alone in Velsk. During Operation "Bird's Nest", Ervest handed over the post of mayor of Velsk to the Minister of Defense _Ne_Neon_, after which _Ne_Neon_ kicked him out of the city and Ervest was declared a political criminal and a traitor to the state in Russia, and therefore was forced to flee to Israel. In addition, during the Elgik's repression, the organizers of the revolutions and other conspirators were forced to flee the country to Lake Baikal.
During this period, civil activity is growing in Russia against the background of the actions of terrorist communist organizations headed by Probka_C. During the reign of Elgik, there were at least four coup attempts. It is especially worth noting the last attempt of the revolution made by the Communists in late January - early February 2021. During the ensuing Civil War, Elgik actively used terror against the revolutionaries, and also enjoyed huge support from the population, which allowed them to be defeated. The key battle was the battle of Pavlodar, during which Elgik and _xxKumtioxx_ fought off the attacks of four revolutionaries for three game days. As a result, the side of the Russian Empire won. According to the results of the war, by the decree of Elgik, all revolutionaries were deprived of the right to citizenship of the Russian Empire and participation in the political, civil and social processes of the country.
By March, the situation in the country had stabilized and active economic growth, the development of culture and many other spheres of life began. Elgik has made a great contribution to the development of diplomatic relations of the Russian Empire in Europe, including the Roman Catholic Church, with which he has always built very warm and friendly relations. Elgik became a friend of Cardinal Smirnov, whom he included in the Imperial Assembly by his decree, he also visited the Vatican several times and conducted the first visit of the Pope to Russia.
On March 3, 2021, Elgik abdicated and left the Russian throne. His sole heir was Bunnyrich.
However, after a month of Bunnyrich's rule, he was blocked and Elgik was forced to return to preserve Russia as a state. Under his leadership, a full-scale #FreeBunnyrich campaign was organized, during which about a hundred players demanded the unblocking of the Emperor of Russia. However, this did not give any results. It was Elgik who led Russia and coordinated mayors during the political crisis.
Then Elgik was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia in absentia until July, without playing on the server. He managed to hold a number of summits and reach agreements with different states. In the summer of 2021, Elgik left.
However, unexpectedly for everyone on February 2, 2022, Elgik returned to the server and settled in St. Petersburg. On February 13, Elgik was appointed the sole heir to the Russian imperial throne.

Under his leadership, changes began in Russia. Construction projects that had been frozen for several months in St. Petersburg resumed, so the Cathedral of St. Alexander IV, residential buildings in the city center were finally completed, the oldest house in the city was completely restored and the construction of the Palace Embankment began. In addition, Elgik has returned Russia to the international political arena. His first visit was to the Vatican on February 15, 2022, at which he concluded an agreement with the Pope to continue the construction of the interiors of the Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood, which had been standing empty for almost two years. On February 19, Elgik announced the recognition of the Kingdom of France, becoming the first national leader to recognize France, after the Pope, who is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, recognized France a little earlier. In addition, on February 20, 2022, Elgik began military reform, which Russia has been waiting for for a year. He established military ranks, created three structural units of the army and established a military base on Crete in the Mediterranean Sea.
In addition, Elgik launched transport reforms. He personally built a metro station in Donbass, and the reconstruction of the subway tunnels began. On his behalf, the repair of aboveground ice trails has also begun.
On March 12, 2022, Emperor PycckueBnepeg, Elgik's brother, announced his abdication in favor of Elgik.

During the reign of Elgik, Russia became the largest country in the world, it regained the entire north, annexed the entire Caucasus, Iceland and Korea, and began the development of Africa. Her foreign policy role has become much more noticeable. At the same time, Russia continued to wage war with the True Russia, Japan and a number of other Asian countries also appeared among its opponents. The Russian Army was also updated, the entire high command of the Armed Forces was completely replaced, divisions and other structures appeared. It was during the reign of Elgik that Russia set a historical record: there were 32 Russian residents out of 150 server players.
On April 3, 2022, Elgik was crowned as the Emperor and Autocrat of Russia in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of St. Petersburg. The coronation of Elgik became the most massive event in Russia: about 30 players attended it. Elgik rode a golden horse through the entire capital, took the oath and said a prayer.
By the end of Elgik's reign, Russia was in its prime: St. Petersburg was the largest city in the world, Pavlodar was in fourth place among the largest cities, Moscow was in seventh place, Reykjavik was in second and then in first place, the territories of Russia went from Iceland and Hungary to Korea and Chukotka, from the Kola Peninsula and the Arctic to Pakistan and Africa. The Russian army was considered one of the largest in the world, Russia directly influenced political processes around the world. Elgik was a close friend of the French kings. He influenced the politics of Finland, China, Alaska and other countries. Russia was at the peak of its power in the entire history of the server. Private business was developed, education appeared, a state management system was formed, there were a large number of active players, the average online per day was 10-15 people.

On May 9, 2022, Elgik abdicated the throne. He explained this by saying that he had fulfilled his mission and it was necessary to give way to the young. He handed over the throne to his eldest son Ggmaster and left for Pavlodar. Despite his departure, Elgik continued to influence Russian politics, but because of reset, Russia began to die. On June 23, 2022, Ggmaster abdicated and the throne passed to Elgik's youngest son Blake Yusupov-Rodzaevsky. Elgik crowned him and arranged his marriage with Fensh von Cloud.
Despite his departure from all official government posts, Elgik continued to have a huge impact on the whole life of Russia, even if it was practically inactive. He also continued to take part in events. So, on July 9, 2022, he took part in the funeral of Pope Benedict XVII in the Vatican and made a big speech:
«Our world, our church has suffered a huge loss - the departure of Pope Benedict. He was not only a great Servant of God and spiritual leader, he was a great man. He is one of the few players whose heart, whose head is constantly hurting for our people. He was a true shepherd, who all his life served as an example of spiritual stamina and high human deeds. He was next to his flock, as they say in Russia, both in sorrow and in joy.<...>
<...> The scale of the Pope's personality had a tremendous impact on the spiritual life and moral state of the gaming society. He preached unifying universal values - humanism, kindness, mercy. He called for mutual respect, tolerance and trust between people of different faiths and traditions. He was the initiator of dialogue between churches and nations. And by his word and deed he wisely reconciled differences of opinion.<...>
<...> Benedict and I had warm friendly relations. I could always write to him and he could give advice, he became my spiritual father, like most of the players on this server. And he could always turn to me with any question, with any request, and I was always ready to help him. For me, he was not only the Pope, for me he was a friend.
We all deeply mourn his passing. This is a heavy loss for me personally. We will always remember his spiritual help, wisdom and boundless devotion to the Church and his people.
We will always feel his support. Eternal memory to him.
On July 31, 2022, Elgik announced its final departure from the server. He wrote two meetings: public and secret. The first one he handed over to the public of the Roman Catholic Church and told in it about the fate of his property. The second will, a secret one, he handed over personally to the Pope. Its contents are unknown to anyone except the Pope. Yugoslavia on Terra Aurora, he handed over to his son _TNTBlake_.
On February 27, 2023, Pope Clement XV announced the canonization of Elgik «for his undying service to the Christian faith and for his work in uniting all Christian peoples on Earth». Elgik was declared the patron saint of all Russian-speaking and Orthodox players.
Elgik owns several houses around the world.

The main residence of Elgik is a house on Nikolaevskaya street. Elgik designed it himself and at first assumed that his friend _xxKumtiox_ would live there, but after his ban, Elgik occupied a townhouse and now lives there. This house is considered one of the most expensive in the whole of St. Petersburg and is decorated in the style of classicism. On the ground floor of the house there is a huge entrance hall made of quartz and yellow ceramics with a huge fireplace. In addition, there are a number of other rooms on the ground floor, the purpose of which is classified. A quartz staircase leads to the second floor. On the second floor there are two rooms: a living room and a room of unknown purpose with windows to the courtyard. The living room of Elgik is made mainly of wood. The room has a large bed, a piano "Red October", a work desk and a large fireplace with a bookcase. In addition, a dog named Petro lives in the room, there is a map art with a prayer, a picture of an angel and the flag of Russia. The Cathedral of the Savior on Spilled Blood is visible from the windows of the living room.
The second house owned by Elgik is his estate in Svetlograd (Northern Russia). The house is located on a high hill almost in the very center of the city and has several exits. The Elgik estate has three floors, as well as a residential attic. The building is made in the style of Petricism and is built mainly of stone bricks, polished stone and semi-blocks. According to the building plan, it is planned to equip a large kitchen, a master bedroom, a huge living room, a library, an office in the attic, a small warehouse and some other rooms.
Previously, Elgik had a large dacha in Volzhsk, which now does not exist. The cottage was two-storeyed, with a kitchen and a large living room on the second floor. In addition, a veranda adjoined the house, on which there was a staircase to the second floor and the entrance to the building itself.
Elgik is a centrist who adheres to reforms, but at the same time preserving cultural traditions and supporting all citizens, regardless of their political opinion. According to Elgik, any citizen of the nation has the right to receive free housing and food, as well as the right to an opinion. In addition, Elgik is a supporter of the democratic structure of society, but at the same time the state controls over the spheres of society's life and prevents the destruction of long-standing traditions and ways of life. According to Elgik, Russia should be headed by a Russian-speaking player who has authority among others and power should not be transferred by force, but only peacefully.
Monuments and museums[]
A large House-museum has been opened in honor of Elgik on the Central Street of St. Petersburg. It presents items telling about the life of Elgik and the interiors of his house, in which he lived before moving to a house on Nikolaevskaya Street.
Also, a monument was opened in honor of Elgik in the Varangian village in Pavlodar. On the shore of the White Sea, a rider on a horse standing on its hind legs holding a power is installed.