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Creation of the party[]

Equalitarist Party of Korea


Equalitarist of Korea fixed
General Information
Motto Freedom and Equality above all ! / 자유와 평등이 무엇보다 !
Headquarters Pyongyang
Members 6
Ideology Egalitarian Communism, Equalitarianism, Socialism with а human face
Colours Red
{{{legislature}}} Seats
Historical Information
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Founded 07 March 2020

The Equalitarist Party of Korea have been created after the creation of the Ideology by Ionao in North Korea and were the leading party of North Korea before the unification into United Korea and were the main party of RED Korea.


The Ideology of Equalitarism is based on a Freedom-Communism, a communist system where everyone is treated as the same as another with totally Equality, freedom by having a democratic election and keeping his citizen freedom of speech and move.

The party is Anti-Imperialism thinking that a state does not have to step on others territories with weak reason and then the party is for peace around Korea and does not wishing conflict as first answer and will most of the time try to resolve thing by diplomacy.

Personnality Cult ?[]

Unlike other Communist parties, Equalitarism does not agree with the personality cult idea and will try to do not to put it as possible, if a personality cult appears then it will be voluntary from the citizen of the nation like Ionao's Statue in the town of Kanggye. made by Computer_x64

More could be added in the futur ...
