The following events occurred during the Flooding Era:
- Towns are being created more frequently, and developing quickly
- Several YouTubers begin to promote EarthMC and build hype, which also leads to the near death of the server months later.
- Massive Influx of players as a result, overcrowding, server performance issues
- Higher difficulty to get gold, to avoid town overcrowding.
April 2019[]
April 11th
- New Scotland declares war on Amazonas
- United Nations is officially formed, with the General Assembly being led by New York Governor, Lucas2011
- Qin move towards New Scotland, attacks citizens and territory
- United Nations begins to intervene on the North American Invasion, of the Qin
- Settlement of Pitic in Sonora, Mexico is established
- Ibxtoycat makes a video about a server with a Earth map, which brings tens of hundreds of new people in EarthMC
April 12th
- Incan Empire (then known as Bolivia) buys Ecuador, reforming themselves into the Incan Empire
- Midwest is created, declaring independence from Wabanaki
April 13th
- New Scotland Citizens demonstrate massive British hollow claiming by establishing a town inside of Wale's territory
- mlecz_ was crowned to the king of Pomerania, which was renamed to Poland.
April 14th
- The town of Bonne is founded
- Server suffers a fatal error on its Towny system
- Antarctic Union is created
- An agreement is made between Spain and Catalonia, which in turn makes Catalonia's territory Spain's territory.
April 15th
- Hong Kong declares independence as a city-state
- Catalonia agrees to be recognized as a Spanish Territory
- New England is created, declaring independence from the Wabanaki
April 19th
- United Tierra del Fuego (UTF) is created
April 20th
- The town of Frankfurt is founded
April 21st
- Siege on Falkreath occurs
April 22nd
- The Spanish highway is after a month of construction done and even connected to the French highway.
April 24th
- Riley_McDonut joins the server.
April 25th
- Mexico sold to Nbax for 575 gold and declares war on Bosnia
April 26th
- The nation of Greater Finland is created
- The nation of Labrador falls
- Denmark attacks Poland, resulting in destruction of the Polish railway system
- Hostile Mobs start to spawn naturally
- Empire of Brazil announces annexation of Columbia and Switzerland
April 27th
- Goddodin is reported to kidnap people at Harrenhall for gold
April 28th
- Denmark sieges the town of Tarnopol and performs mass-murder on their citizens
- The North American Union is created between Midwest, Trinidad-Tobago, Cuba, Southwest, and New England
April 29th
- Mississippi and Greenland join the North American Union
- The nation of Estonia is created
April 30th
May 2019[]
May 1st
- Ibxtoycat releases his video on EarthMC, causing many new players to join the server and lengthen the queue
May 2nd
- 籽岷 (Zi Min) makes videos on EarthMc that brings lots of players to join.
- Kingdom of Elyria is Created
- Formation of the nation of Manchuria
May 4th
- A dupe exploit aswell as issues regarding the queue lobby cause the server to go into downtime for a number of hours
May 6th
- The City of Narvik is formed in South-East Greenland and joins Godthab.
- Qin becomes the largest nation on EMC
May 7th
- Englavian steps down as Emperor of Qin, abdicating to the new emperor XDA1
May 8th
- Siam leaves the House of Uesugi due to a border violation in Hainan.
May 10th
- Канал Кейна (Kanal Keina), a Russian Youtuber with over 2 million subscribers, makes a video on EarthMC that gets 251,000 views, causing many new players to join and increasing the size of the queue.
- The Great Decline begins in Kaiserreich.
- Turrubul is created
May 12th
- Switzerland declares independence from the Empire of Brazil
May 13th
- Somerset attacked UTF, and war has broken out,
- S.H.I.E.l.D is formed between Imperial Brazil, Glacial Empire, Elyria, Argentina, Chile, and Nepal. S.H.I.E.I.D is an international and intercontinental alliance which values cooperation between its nations in the military and economic areas.
- Switzerland has declared war against the Empire of Brazil.
- King Wilabum announces that the Kingdom of Elyria will become a Constitutional Monarchy.
- Fuze III, a French Youtuber with over 1.2 million subs, upload a video on EarthMC, causing many french players to join the server, extending the queue's length .
May 15th
- United States of America is created. The states of New England, Southwest and Midwest join the USA and reform it back.
- The North American Union is disbanded after Midwest, New England, and Southwest leave it making the Union unnecessary and LittleMining disbands it, also deleting the discord.
- The nation of Imperial_Japan has been created by FenZenyatta
- Riley_McDonut and Dabs_All_OvarYT create The Treaty of Avalon to allow the peaceful expansion of the towns of Dildo and Pee Pee Island.
May 17th
- Amaido becomes king of Burgundy, but the queue stops him from letting Amune reform the nation.
May 18th
- Start of the Manchuria-Liao War
May 19th
- The Polar Bear Crisis
- Greater Finland holds its first election. Juuzoz_ is elected as President.
May 20th
- The nation of Perpignan is renamed to "Emporiae"
- The British - English war ends.
May 21st
- Greater-Armenia is active again thanks to changement made by God_Of_Murloc
- Mauritania undergoes a restructuring, reforming as Senegal
- The May Mods are appointed, creating many new mods in the server
May 22nd
- End of the Manchuria-Liao war
- Notable figure Unbated joins EarthMC for the first time
May 23rd
- The nation of Iceland was formed by xPadpai
May 26th
- Elyria was forced to rename itself to Ellsworth
- A raid on FuzeCity (town of youtuber FuzeIII) takes place, many houses destroyed and 1 death reported.
May 27th
- Start of the The WesternChina War(The Bactrian–Western Regions War)
May 30th
- Death15896 and SilverrTooth raid Elyria unsuccesfully. No losses on both sides.
- Fluxify I, the longest continuous reigning leader in Asia abdicates the Siamese throne.
May 31st
- Yakutia is founded in Eastern Russia by Fruitloopins
June 2019[]
June 1st
- Chinese Civil War begins
- TrueMU uploads his video about EarthMC
- Cascadia elects UroTheGluton as President for June, who dissolves the Cascadian Senate, seizing all power for himself. Several channels in the Cascadian discord server are deleted by UroTheGluton and he is impeached within 12 hours of being elected.
- Ethanair elected President of the United States
- England is annexed by Britain, with the nation being transferred to Lebanon for auction.
- Wabanaki elections conclude, with Phillips8 being elected.
June 2nd
- Carolina skirmishes with the US after forging rebellion, ends with the Battle Of FlavorTown
- KaiOwl is elected as Prime Minister of the Celtic Union, ending AmberHope's historical three term reign.
- Cascadia holds an emergency election in the wake of UroTheGluton's impeachment. OreoToast is elected with 66% of the popular vote.
June 4th
- Guyana is established by Icicalities in South America.
- Nova Scotia is bought by the previous leader of Switzerland, rejoins the Celtic Union.
June 7th
- The infamous FuzeCity, after resisting previously, officially joins Australia
- Numidia becomes a province of the Greater Roman Empire
June 8th
- Britain holds its first election since the new constitution, electing Angolist with 70% of the popular vote.
- Iceland is restored as "Island"
June 9th
- Australia establishes a colony in the Midwest
June 10th
- Kaiserreich declares war on Deutschland
- India is founded, and joins the Celtic Union, being the seventh nation to do so.
June 11th
- Somerset annexes Nova Scotia, resulting in removal from the Celtic Union
- Québec funds and creates the nation of Newfoundland in an attempt to collect any last Nova Scotian Territory not wanting to become a part of Somerset.
- New Californian Republic (old) joins the empire of Cascadia
- Lake Tahoe reunifies and regains the power of New Californian Republic (old) and renames the nation back to California (current)
- Riley_McDonut makes the town of Dildo with some gold donated to him by Aceshooter11.
June 13th
- Riley_McDonut creates the nation of Avalon after negotiation with Newfoundland's anonymous leader to give them the name of Newfoundland.
June 14th
- Sweden is conquered by Greater Finland, all Swedish leaders kicked off and replaced with Finnish governors, turning Sweden into a Finnish puppet.
June 15th
- Synargle elected as the Japanese Emperor
June 16th
- The Deseret Museum, along with Argent, is founded
June 17th
- A ceasefire starts in the German War
June 18th
- Scotland and Britain agree on a peace deal that ends with the merging of the two nations with Scotland maintaining its autonomy.
- Volgograd is founded
June 19th
- Western Regions is founded
June 20th
- About a week after renaming, the nation of Labrador asks for its name back from Newfoundland. Riley_McDonut decides to fulfill their requests whilst renaming his nation to Avalon.
June 21st
- Cambodia is created.
June 22nd
- The Olympics are held and hosted by Britain on a separate event server. The games end in chaos as the staff messes up with the commands.
June 23rd
- Protests occur at Saint Marie over tensions between the Mayor (CloakedEagle) and the playerbase over the supposed abuse of his mod privileges by deleting memes about his nation on the subreddit and muting people who spoke of it.
- The ceasefire in the German War ends.
June 25th
- A new trailer for EarthMC featuring Big Man Tyrone is released
June 26th
- Manchuria evolves into Qing
June 28th
- Death15896, the leader of Carolina, is permanently banned
June 29th
- FuzeIII creates his own nation called "FrenchAustralia" after being kicked from Australia. The nation got renamed to "Queensland" on the same day. Several towns join his nation and minutes later a raiding party sieged the capital of FuzeCity and demanded that the french leave the city. Many nations declare war on Queensland.
- The Coalition (a group of nations and players that want to remove Fuze III and the french players from the server) is unofficially formed
- Polish Tasmania has been renamed to Tasmania
June 30th
- The British-Irish war ends
- Cascadia and their provinces declare war on GrandCanyon.
- Tasiilaq was founded
July 2019[]
July 2nd
- Kaiserreich occupies Danish territory
- Wilabum gives Vladimir_Drago, leader of the nation of Victoria. While Victoria remains as the province of Imperium Polaris.
- FuzeCity is raided again by over a dozen members from the Coallition. During this battle, TNT traps and dirt sings saying "F*ck Fuze" were scattered around the capital and the residents of the town retaliated by sending in PVP protected super soldiers. Eventually, the mods got involved and all destroyed terrain near FuzeCity was repaired; finally ending the battle.
July 3rd
- The town of EcoHaven is founded
- Somerset residents (KingVarin, ChessNut242527, yaznayu and Ex0dia) have been banned by doxing, thus KingVarin and ChessNut242527 got perma banned
July 4th
- Qing invades FuzeCity with Glacial Empire volunteers killing a large number of residents (15 estimated)
July 5th
- The Greenland Crisis occurs. MattyG2012 dies in Arzvondayle, Avalon. Baptiste1006 stole his belongings. ThatNerdNxtDoor, ToboCoolMan2000, and MattyG2012, followed him to his town in Greenland. There was a standoff for 2 hours until a friend, Syfons, came online and returned Matty's belongings.The Town of Winnebago is created
July 9th
- The italian colony of Lacusmagnia is created by BraveDan.
July 10th
- A group of The Coalition stayed itself outside of FuzeCity and demands that an illegal trap inside of it be removed. The mod FSCheetah attempts to remove the trap, disarmed but is assassinated by Julien_1800, despite the outcry of the group sieging the city, the mod is not allowed to warn him for said actions. FSCheetah returns and disables the trap even with the threats of Julien_1800 of being reported. Very few members of FuzeCity leave the protected area.
- Cascadia and GrandCanyon sign a peace treaty.
July 12th
- XDA1 abdicates as the emperor of Qin and announces that the nation will be disbanded soon
- The nation of Han is created, and many towns of Qin join the nation
- The Republic of Godthab was founded
July 13th
- The town of Nova Kakhovka was founded
July 14th
- Qin is disbanded
- The district of Bering-Strait is admitted to Cascadia, becoming its 10th province
- The joint district of Nevada is created by Niger and Cascadia and becomes Cascadia's 11th province
July 21st
- South Africa is bought by Guineapigplays and the capital is moved to Salisbury. The nation name is then changed to Rhodesia.
- The nation of Washington is created by BonZZil and becomes the 12th district of Cascadia