Earthmc Wiki

'Founding Gizmo' is an article write by the first mayor of Gizmo, Yoshigamer1298. It was published at June 06, 2020 at Nubia Times Newspaper, where the mayor of Gizmo was a reporter. The article explains the experience and difficulties when the town was created.


Nubian Times:[]

Founding Gizmo

by: YoshiGamer


When I first started in EMC I was running around in the wild not knowing if I would be staying on the server. Suddenly I was messaged by a Nubia mayor seeing if I needed a place to go. I joined St. Allison, and started working and saving with the plans of making my town.

It took months of determination and saving to get enough. Make a town but finally I had the gold and I went forth on making my own private town, gizmo was founded mid summer 2020. My original plan was me being the only member of gizmo but with enough confidence and encouragement I jumped and added people into the town. Nobody told me when I first started how hard and expensive it would be. That was the first con of town ownership. Another one would be the kind of people who joined the town, we’ve had problems with people not staying, getting banned or just not on at all, some pros I learned was the fun of leading and helping someone new become something on the server, I’ve talked with a few town members who want to form their own town and let them know it’s not easy but something can be worked for. It’s also lots of fun to see other people Creativity come out. I’ve gotten to have fun new memories on emc that I think will stick with me for a while.
