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gorkymoo1119 for Foreign Affairs
An excerpt from the Nubia's safety is at risk... advert
Campaigned for April 2021 Nubian MoFA election
Candidate GorkyBoy gorkymoo1119
Status Announced: 25th March 2021
First election propaganda: 26th March 2021
Won election: 2nd April 2021
Key people

Gorkymoo1119's campaign for the April 2021 Nubia elections for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in Nubia was announced on the 25th March 2021. He would go on to officially win the race on the 2nd April 2021, being automatically elected due to a lack of competition.

Gorkymoo1119 would first campaign on the 26th March 2021, asking for re-election. He would halt campaigning until a day later, with the entrance of StarKiller1744 to the Minister of Foreign Affairs race. He would release a video on the 27th March captioned 'Nubia's safety is at risk...' which had been remixed from a political advert used in the real-life 1964 United States presidential election.

He would go uncontested at the end of the election, being credited to his electoral history in which he had heavily won most elections he had attempted to run in. As a result, he would automatically be appointed to the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nubia.


Previous political campaigns[]

Nubian 2020 political campaigns[]

Gorkymoo1119 would campaign in every election for office since the independence of the Second Nubian Empire from Yemen. He would be elected as Minister of Municipal Development for every election from the July election to the December election, and would only end his consistency in running for every election in the January 2021 election, after agreeing to stop as part of a re-election deal, denying intentions to run after being a subject of speculation.

Minister of Foreign Affairs campaigns[]

After the January 2021 election, gorkymoo1119 would return to politics, campaigning in the February 2021 elections for the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. During this campaign, he would make a political advert that questioned the notability of fellow candidate, Plushie_Foxy, as part of gorkymoo1119's strong opposition to Plushie_Foxy's candidacy. He would win election, and, a month later, would run for re-election in the March elections, in which he would win against Yoshigamer1298 by a landslide.

Speculation and interest expressed[]

See also: Speculation about candidates running in the April 2021 Nubia elections

As a result of his previous campaigns for office, gorkymoo1119 would immediately become the subject of speculation during the period before the elections had officially started. He would soon express interest in running for office, with gorkymoo1119 suggesting he would run for re-election.



Soon after the announcement of the election season officially starting on the 25th March 2021, with gorkymoo1119 soon messaging twomoo1119 to official register a candidacy. He would remain uncontested for around an hour until Thee_Boss announced his candidacy.

Withdrawal of Thee_Boss[]

After a small discussion with Thee_Boss, Thee_Boss would pull out of the race for Minister of Foreign Affairs and endorse gorkymoo1119, with Thee_Boss suggesting his candidacy was a joke.

First election propaganda[]

As a result of his lack of competition, gorkymoo1119 would not publish a political poster as he had done in the previous 2 election campaigns (in February 2021 and March 2021) of his, with him only saying 'Yes gorky for re-election ok'.

Return to campaigning[]

Registration of StarKiller1744[]

On the 27th March 2021, StarKiller1744 would announce his candidacy for the Minister of Foreign Affairs position, with him saying it was due to him believing he could perform well in the office and the lack of competition gorkymoo1119 previously had.

Election advert[]

Gorkymoo1119 would soon notice StarKiller1744's entry to the race. With this, gorkymoo1119 acted upon previous plans to create a political advert, soon publishing a video titled 'Nubia's safety is at risk...' which used a basis from the real-life 1964 United States presidential election from Lyndon B. Johnson's campaign, showing a girl counting before an explosion goes off and a voice can be heard saying that the stakes were high.

Withdrawal of StarKiller1744[]

StarKiller1744 would withdraw from the running for Minister of Foreign Affairs on the 28th March 2021, instead announcing a new candidacy for Minister of Trade and Commerce. Despite this, gorkymoo1119 would continue to campaign using his political advert.


All 5 predictions published across the elections suggested gorkymoo1119 would be the winner of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as had been the case in the past.


Gorkymoo1119 would receive 9 endorsements, one less than the amount he received in his previous March election campaign. These were by:

  • cahden, incumbent Minister of Trade and Commerce and Mayor of Nyala
  • Fijiloopins, incumbent leader of Nejd
  • Greaseballer, former Minister of Defence and incumbent Mayor of Kiir
  • Lopile, incumbent Minister of Defence and Mayor of Sanaa
  • MapleVK, government advisor in Britain, former leader of Svalbard
  • Mengan_, incumbent Minister of Cultural Affairs, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Mayor of Suna
  • Thee_Boss, former Minister of Trade and Commerce and incumbent Mayor of TwomooxGorky Sex

Many of those who had endorsed him had also endorsed him in prior Nubian elections.

Issues and positions[]

During the election, gorkymoo1119 would announce his support for peace on the continent. He would also stress furthering relations with Caesarea, especially after the independence of KAPSK. He would be asked for comment on the leaking of DMs from cahden to th0op that was used by StarKiller1744's campaign, due to his involvement in the Plushie_Foxy DM scandal that StarKiller1744 had compared to cahden's situation.
