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The House of Habsburg is a royal dynasty that's located in Europe and is currently found in Austria and Spain.


The House of Habsburg was founded by Magredon on the 30th of November 2019 as The Imperial Dynasty of the ruling family of the Austrian Empire. The House of Habsburg traces it's roots back to many former noble houses of Europe such as The House of Grosvenor-Hohenzollern, The House of Hanover, The House of Hohenzollern and The House of Romanov. It's members include some of the most influential current and past aristocrats of Earthmc.


Austrian Branch[]

Title Name Nation Town
Kaiser / Emperor Mednis von Habsburg Austria Vienna
Kronprinz / Archduke Superaktif von Habsburg Austria Berlin
Prinz / Prince Dr_Sharky von Habsburg Austria Oppeln
Prinz / Prince Erwinning von Habsburg Saxony Nanzig
Prinz / Prince Magredon von Habsburg Austria Ostend
Prinz / Prince Saranova32 von Habsburg Austria Bratislava
Prinz / Prince Sepl3333 von Habsburg Austria Prague
Prinz / Prince Sleedyak von Habsburg Austria Budapest
Prinz / Prince ToefteHD von Habsburg Austria Klagenfurt

Spanish Branch[]

Title Name Nation Town
Rey / King 32Pengun de Habsburgo Spain Madrid
Príncipe heredero / Crownprince JeelowD de Habsburgo Spain Bilbao
Príncipe / Prince 32Bene de Habsburgo Spain Malaga
Príncipe / Prince 32Luis de Habsburgo Spain Caceres
Príncipe / Prince ESPFORCE de Habsburgo - -


The Greater Imperial Coat of Arms

The Greater Imperial Coat of Arms for The House of Habsburg

Habsburg Family

Kaiser Erwinning I, Archduke Magredon and Prinz Nicholas_Romanov in The Kaisergarten of The Schonbrunn Palace.
