UsualKostas' skin
The impeachment of UsualKostas, Minister of Municipal Development of Nubia, occurred from the 17th until 19th March 2021, filed by Nubian Minister of Foreign Affairs gorkymoo1119. The impeachment was the first in Nubian history to be successful, despite there being 6 prior. All incumbent Ministers (cahden, gorkymoo1119, Lopile, Mengan_ and UsualKostas) voted in favour of the impeachment, including UsualKostas despite the fact he was the one the impeachment was against.
Resignation of Driifter[]
Driifter would resign on the 13th March 2021, with UsualKostas becoming Minster of Municipal Development to replace her, as per resignation procedure in Nubia as he was second to Driifter in the March 2021 elections.
UsualKostas came under controversy and criticism after suggesting the creation of 'mayor packs', with fellow Ministers cahden and gorkymoo1119 saying it wasn't 'enough' and resources 'weren't useful'. After this, a group of Ministers privately decided that UsualKostas wasn't ready for government yet.
Impeachment procedure beginning[]
On the 17th March 2021, gorkymoo1119 messaged twomoo1119 requesting him to post a vote on the impeachment of UsualKostas, with reasoning being:
"As defined under section 1.2.1 of the Constitution, UsualKostas has failed to fulfil the office of Minister of Municipal Development to a standard some citizens may not deem adequate. His lack of an ability at present to fund towns makes him unfit for the job as Municipal Development."
After the impeachment vote was put up amongst Ministers, gorkymoo1119 and Mengan_ would vote in favour of the impeachment. Little discussion took place in government, with cahden and Lopile voting in favour for it about an hour later, after requests for comments by those who had already voted.
Two hours after the vote was put up, UsualKostas would vote in favour of it, bringing some confusion as to why he voted in that way. Mengan_ would ask UsualKostas if he read the vote, with UsualKostas responding by saying that he had just woken up.
Twomoo1119 would be made Minister of Municipal Development after the vote passed , as per procedure. After the impeachment, UsualKostas would run for office in April, but lose.