The Grand Veche Principality of the Kievan Rus (Великое княжество Киевское) is a nation in East Europe that is a vassal under Saxony and is a member of the German Confederation. It follows Eastern/Kjiv-Novgorod Shrekism and has a strong culture.
In December 2021, the Saxon Tictachead69 left his old protectorate nation and migrated to the East to unite the tribes and found the Kievan Rus in the name of the Saxon king. He was crowned Grand Prince of the Kiev, Novgorod and Vladimir.
The government is under the ultimate authority of the King of Saxony in terms of military and global diplomacy, but is administratively controlled by the Grand Prince who rules for life: who writes legislation and passes it under his Veche- which acts as a sort of parliament.
The Kievan Rus has retained Kyiv identity and considers itself the hegemony of the Kyiv people, even though there are larger powers around it. They speak a unique dialect of Rus, and has a proud literary tradition which circulates around the common people, rather than the nobility. Ukrainian is also spoken in goverment, but not the population.
There is a small difference of religion between them and the Saxons, as they have their own Kievan denomination of Shrekism- where there is a seperation between clergy and the people, the use of Ikons, the use of Russian in liturgy and the idea that Shrek kept a part of his mortal form to preach to the Middle Realm. The Coat-of-Arms depicts Молодой Онфим "Onfim"- a young boy that prophetised the battles of Kiev against the Teutonic Order and their eventual victory under Alexander Nevsky as graffiti in his homework; he is seen as a young messenger for Shrek, and is thought to have battled as a holy warrior during the war and later became a Knight of Light.