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People's Republic of China

1280px-Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Coat of Arms
People's Republic of China Coat of Arms
National Information
Full Name People's Republic of China
National Anthem
Name in Towny PRC
Motto Serving the People
Population 20 (as of 11/26/2021,only PRC)
Chunks 2092
/n list page
Capital City Nanking
Largest City tonghua
Oldest City Wuhan
Established January 3, 2020
Government Information
Leader Tamoxic (Figurehead head of nation)
Prime Minister KMT_MrWang(PRC Leader; Head of government)
Political System People's democratic dictatorship
Economic System Socialism
Official Language CN Chinese
Official Religion none
Army Size
Dominions None
Part of
Historical Information
Past Leaders Omoshiroi_Sana,IamSen233
Past Capitals

The People's Republic of China (Chinese:中华民族共和国),referred to as PRC,is one of the major regimes in China,Evolved from The Xia Dynasty (commonly called Xia)


PRC is a parliamentary (Fusion of powers) republic in China. Despite Tamoxic and KMT_Mr Wang being legally leaders in PRC Law (such as the semi-presidential country). However, Tamoxic resembles the parliamentary system's president in practice, and he has never been using his political rights since he became the president.

Therefore, KMT_Mr Wang is the de facto leader of PRC, the head of the government of PRC, and the commander in chief of the PRC Armed Forces during wartime. He is also heading the executive branch in PRC.

PRC是一个在中国的类议会制(议行合一)共和国。尽管Tamoxic和KMT_Mr wang都是PRC法律中定义下的国家主席(双主席)和政府领袖。但在实际实践中,Tamoxic自上任成为PRC国家元首起从未实施过他的政治权利,所以現在也被认为是PRC的虚位国家元首,也被长期认为是类似于香港和汉朝的总理制共和国。也是因为上述原因,KMT_Mr wang才是PRC事实上的国家领导人,政府首脑,战时PRC武装部队总司令,行政部门的主要负责人。


The Beginning of a Nation[]

At the beginning PRC named The Xia Dynasty and Established January 3, 2020.

4/29/2020,Emperor Omoshiroi_Sana announces his withdrawal from the game,and declared IamSen233 the new emperor.After that,Xia moved its capital to Hangzhou .

7/3/2020,Emperor IamSen233 had been banned,and Tamoxic become new Emperor.

Xia have a war with Japan in 2020's last month,it called xia-Japan war.Finally, Xia won the war.Japan lost half of hiroshima.And xia got it, xia called China_hiroshina to that area.

Become Stronger[]

Establishment of the Northeast_China[]

11/14/2020, the imperial Japanese emperor KawadaJP began to invade Northeast China and Korea. The Xia Dynasty (PRC) actively responded, and Allthingsinmirror launched a fund-raising establishment across China,found Songyuan and the Northeast of countered the ambitions of the Japanese right.

After that,Allthingsinmirror is known as the Great General of the Northeast, and the Northeast_China can be described as a Great Wall of China.

Joining of WesternRegions(PRC_XinJiang)[]

In May 2019,ToxicHolic joined the server. He was Killed by Bactria leader Mining_Tzar when he came to Mongolia area. After that, toxicholic and Xiao_ Huu and MicroXiong (MokoBear) gathered together and put forward the "Western Development" plan, and created a town called Anxi on May 21, 2019.

As Bactria also had the ambition of occupy Xinjiang, the WesternChina War (The Bactria-WesternRegion war) broke out. On the 14/06/19,AnXi founded the nation of WesternRegions, with ToxicHolic at it's helm. After that,On 27/09/19,Bactria and WesternRegions have become peaceful.

On 8/22/2021,MokoBear announced Xinjiang's accession to the PRC,and changed name to “PRC XinJiang

Administrative District[]

  • Northeast China
  • PRC Xinjiang
  • PRC Jilin
  • West PRC
  • PRC Fujian
  • North PRC
  • Shu


At the beginning The establishment of Xia just for kidding.
