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The Republic of Lapland Statutes at Large, commonly referred to as the Statutes at Large and abbreviated Stat., are an official record of Acts of Congress and concurrent resolutions passed by the Congress of the Republic of Lapland. Each act and resolution of Congress is originally published as a slip law, which is classified as either public law (abbreviated Pub.L.) or private law (Pvt.L.), and designated and numbered accordingly. At the end of a Congressional session, the statutes enacted during that session are compiled into bound books, known as "session law" publications. The session law publication for Lappish Federal statutes is called the Republic of Lapland Statutes at Large. In that publication, the public laws and private laws are numbered and organized in chronological order. Lappish Federal statutes are published in a three-part process, consisting of slip laws, session laws (Statutes at Large), and codification.

Republic of Lapland Statutes at Large
