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Resignation in Nubia is a process in which a member of government leaves office by request. There have been 8 cases of resignation in Nubian history, including one from Prime Minister.


If a Minister wishes to resign, they message the Nubian Emperor. The Emperor will then remove all their permissions in regards to government. After their resignation, the office would be replaced by the person who performed best other than them in the most recent election. If no non-officeholder fits the requirements for Minister, it would be passed to the incumbent Emperor.

Constitutional definition[]

Similar to impeachment, the Constitution of Nubia has 2 areas surrounding resignation. The first is under Section 1.4, point 1, reading '1. A request by the minister for removal from office.', allowing for a Minister to request to be removed from office.

Alongside Section 1.4, subsection 1 of the constitution reads as to what should happen to replace the Minister. It reads 'Should a minister be removed from office, the next eligible candidate will be offered the position. Should there be no eligible candidates remaining to fill the position, the emperor will fulfil the duties of the position until the next election.', and covers the procedure regarding candidates taking office after a resignation.
